Let’s Talk About The Homepage of Your Website

2 dogs and a laptop website homepage shown on a desktop screen

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So you want to build a website for your company or product. That’s great! You’re going to need a good homepage in order to convert readers into customers. And with hundreds of millions of websites out there competing for attention, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. But don’t worry: I’ve put together this handy guide with all of our best tips on making sure that your site has what it takes to help seal the deal when visitors come calling.

Make The Homepage About Your Readers

When you’re writing a homepage, there are two main things you want to do:

  • Get people excited about what you have to say.
  • Make sure they know how they can get in contact with you if they want more information or want to start working together.

Let’s look at the first one: getting people excited about what you have to say. If I go onto a site and see some content that catches my eye and makes me want to read more, then I’m going to be more likely to stick around and check out their other content as well. The best way for this message of excitement – which might be, “We offer customized solutions tailored specifically for our clients’ needs.” – is through storytelling!

Lead With a Direct, "You" Focused Headline

Headlines on the homepage of your website are crucial. The headline is your opportunity to let visitors know what you offer and why they should care about it.

You want to lead with a direct, “You” focused headline that’s short and to the point. When writing headlines, keep them easy to read and compelling; this will help attract readers’ attention in a very crowded online world where there’s literally so much information out there that it would overwhelm even Superman himself if he were reading it all at once (I’m sorry I brought up the topic of Superman).

Finally, remember that headlines should be written in the active voice: “I can help you with this.” Not passive: “This can be helped by me.”

Give Examples

When you’re writing a blog or trying to get your point across, it’s always good to have examples to back up your claims. This is especially true when you are trying to explain something that is not common knowledge. For example, if I were trying to explain what an audit is and didn’t have any real-world examples, my readers would be likely to lose interest. That’s why it’s important to provide examples where possible so that people can better visualize what we’re talking about and understand how it applies in their everyday life.

The best kind of example comes from personal experience—but if that isn’t an option for whatever reason then at least try finding some other real life example from someone else’s story or experience instead. The key here though is making sure each example stands out as unique yet relevant enough within its own context.

Be Upfront

The first thing to think about is why you’re the best choice for your customers. You need to keep this in mind from start to finish, or else things can go awry.

What does this mean? Well, if you know that one of your strengths is that you offer a wide range of high-quality services, then it would be good to mention this upfront—but don’t just say it! Show that wide range off by listing those services and maybe even some testimonials from happy customers who have bought from you. Do whatever it takes so that people understand what they’re getting into when they choose your business over another one.

Create Tab Navigation

A tab bar is a useful navigation device that allows users to easily move between different sections of your site. When creating your tab bar, make sure it’s easy to find, with each tab labeled clearly. The order of the tabs should also be logical and consistent on every page of your website.

Include a Call-to-Action (CTA) in More Than One Place

(Especially on Your Homepage)

A CTA is a button, text link or graphic placed on your site that encourages users to take an action. For example, you might use a CTA to encourage visitors to subscribe or contact you.

You should have at least one CTA on every page of your website but most importantly on your home page as well. Here are some ideas where to place them.

  • At the top of the page (above-the-fold).
  • In the middle or lower half of the page (below-the-fold) where people are likely to scroll down. This will get them interested in reading more about what’s available once they do scroll down.

Keep Readers in Mind

You want to make sure that your website is simple to use. A reader should be able to find exactly what they’re looking for quickly and easily on your site. If you want them to read about something specific, it helps if you put an obvious link on the homepage that takes them straight there.


There is a LOT of work done in the background. It’s a little more elaborate than “just make a website.” In sum, the homepage for your website is one of the most important pages. It’s the first thing readers see when they arrive at your website, and it needs to grab their attention right away. When writing your home page content, keep these tips in mind. And if you want an expert to do it all for you, book an appointment with 2 Dogs and a Laptop and I’ll be happy to make a custom solution for you.

Written by Gabriela, Seahorizon.ca


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