Why it’s important for teachers to have a website

boston terrier face on laptop

With everything classroom related moving into the virtual sphere, it is more important than ever for teachers to have a website.  Teachers need to be able to communicate quickly and efficiently with students and parents, while still keeping privacy in mind.  As a teacher, creating a website is probably the last thing on your mind.  However, after the initial setup, a classroom website can help save time and organize daily tasks.

Organization of a teacher website

One of the hardest pieces to this online world that we are now living in, is having many different sources of information.  As a teacher, I use many different websites and resources to connect and engage my students.  If I want to use virtual manipulatives, interactive whiteboards, conduct reviews of material taught, or offer practice materials, I send my students to different websites.  Oftentimes, students get lost trying to finding these resources.  If all of those materials are posted on one website, students have one place to find everything. 

Best Online Resources for Teachers

advantages of Teachers to Have a website for Communication

Online teaching allows teachers to reach more students at once; however, it is harder to make personal connections.  Teachers find themselves sending and receiving an unmanageable amount of emails throughout the day.  Rather than responding to emails individually, teachers can create blog style posts to quickly communicate with everyone at once.  This will help to cut down on the number of emails received over the course of the day.  Efficient communication will keep all classroom stakeholders informed at all times.  

Communicating with Parents and Students through a Website

safety on the teacher's website

Safety and security are big reasons for teachers not to create a website.  We all know that putting things on the internet means that more people may be able to see our material than we want.  Website privacy has come a long way.  There are now ways to password protect your whole website or parts of your website.  This ensure that only authorized users have access to the materials that you want them to access.  Having parents and students create user accounts for your website means that your class is only seen by specific people.  

Keep Students Safe when Learning Online

teachers showcasing faqs on their websites

Do you want to be able to post instructional videos or explanations for your parents and students to be able to access?  Having a FAQ, informational, or how to page on your website will allow you to show parents and students how to access material.  Do you want to show students how to split their screen on their device?  Do you want students to know how to access your classroom? Are there questions that your families ask repeatedly?  An FAQ section will help to alleviate  confusion.  Informational sections can also contain additional practice websites or other helpful information that you want your families to know.  

Ideal Components of Successful Teacher Websites

If you need help to create your teacher website, contact 2 Dogs and a Laptop.


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